Good governance is based on the following 12 principles proposed by the European Council.

These principles, in turn, are divided into different indicators, 72 in total, providing information on the degree of compliance of the local government that evaluates themselves.

participacion democratica

Principle 1

Periodic elections; fair representation and participation

Derechos humanos

Principle 2

Human Rights, Cultural Diversity and Social Cohesion

Estado de derecho

Principle 3

Rule of Law

Etica publica

Principle 4

Ethical behavior

Rendición de cuentas

Principle 5


Apertura y Transparencia

Principle 6

Openness and transparency

Administración de calidad, eficaz y eficiente

Principle 7

Effectiveness and efficiency

Liderazgo, competencias y capacidades

Principle 8

Competences and capacities

Capacidad de reaccion

Principle 9

Capacity to react

solida gestion economico-financiera

Principle 10

Sound financial management

Sostenibilidad y gestion a largo plazo

Principle 11

Sustainability and long-term orientation

Apertura al cambio e innovacion

Principle 12

Innovation and openness to change