ELoGE Good Practices

TitleCitizen participation frameworks and regulations
Council Alcantarilla Council
DescriptionAlcantarilla Council has a Citizen Participation Regulation as a general framework for participation, as well as a participation programme for each process, which contains general information on the process, how to participate in the process and all related documentation (information on the process, basic participatory agreement, timetable, minutes of meetings and contribution reports).

All the information and documentation is published on the municipal website, in the “Citizen Participation” section and on the Transparency Portal.

Indicator referred to1.3. Local administrations seek to improve local regulation and the practical organisation of citizens’ participation in local public life.
Link / DocumentCitizen participation regulation: click here


Participative processes: click here 


Framework for each participation mechanism: click here 

ContactFrancisco Javier Galián López

Head of Modernisation, Communication and Transparency Service javigalian@AYTO-ALCANTARILLA.ES

TitleCitizen-initiated and citizen-driven participatory process
Town CouncilCity Council of Andoain
DescriptionWithin the framework of holding participatory processes with citizens in the early stages of plans and/or projects, Andoain Town Council goes further in this case, holding participatory processes motivated by the citizens themselves.

This is the case of the 2020 update of the terrace ordinance, which was initiated due to the demand of part of the town’s hotel and catering sector. In this process, meetings were held with citizens and social agents.

Indicator referred to1.4. Consultations with the public are held at an early stage of the decision-making process.
Link / Document Terrace ordinance in Andoain: click here

Press note: click here 

ContactLeire Rodríguez Lasarte, General Personnel Administration and Prevention Technician


Maider Lainez, Mayor

TítuloDirect communication spaces with citizens are always attended
Ayuntamiento Bilbao City Council
DescripciónThe city council has incorporated multiple spaces and two-way channels so that citizens can speak and public representatives can respond. These are permanently attended to and a response is given to citizens through them:

  • Social networks for different areas
  • Website of the municipal political groups with links to their different social networks.
  • List of direct e-mail addresses of all councillors’ offices
  • Without prejudice to the existence of other channels, the right to information of councillors has a specific channel through Questions addressed to the Municipal Plenary and regulated in article 115 of the Organic Regulations of the Plenary. These are answered in writing by the corresponding area or Municipal Area, prior to the holding of the Agenda.
  • A system that allows citizens to search in an advanced way for questions addressed to the plenary with their answers.
  • “Improve  Bilbao” App for the reporting of incidents by citizens
  • “Your City Council listens to you” mailbox, so that citizens can leave their complaints, suggestions, warnings, congratulations, requests for information or complaints.
Indicador al que hace referencia2.2. Local governments ensure that all political representatives focus on the interests of the local population.
Link / DocumentoSocial networks: click here 

Website of the municipal political groups with links to their different social networks.: click here  

List of direct e-mail addresses of all councillors’ offices: click here 

Search engine for questions to plenary: click here

“Improve Bilbao” app:click here 

“Your City Council listens to you” mailbox: click here 

ContactoKalitateko eta Ebaluazioko Kabinetea / Gabinete de Calidad y Evaluación/ Quality and Evaluation Cabinet


TítuloPublic and analysed claims, complaints and suggestions management procedure
Ayuntamiento Cartagena Council
DescripciónThe Council has a regulation on suggestions and complaints. In addition, it also has a Suggestions and Complaints Commission, which is responsible for supervising the activity of the municipal administration and reporting to the plenary, by means of an annual report. This report includes:  the complaints presented and the deficiencies observed in the operation of municipal services, specifying the suggestions or recommendations not accepted by the municipal administration, drawn up by the technical and administrative unit and with the approval of the commission.

Extraordinary reports are also usually made depending on the urgency. The information is currently pending approval by the Plenary, according to the regulations of the Complaints and Suggestions Commission, so that it can be published on the municipal website, in the Accountability section.

On the other hand, the complete procedure for complaints and suggestions about public services is published on the website.

Indicador al que hace referencia2.4. Information on complaints lodged with regard to local government and responses to complaints, including any changes that might take place as a result, are made available to workers, political representatives and the public.
Link / DocumentoRules of Procedure of the Special Commission for Suggestions and Complaints: click here

Procedure for complaints and suggestions about public services: click here

ContactoReyes García Clemente

Rosa Muñoz


TitleEvaluated and public service charters
Council  Bilbao City Council
DescriptionThe City Council publishes on its website “Bilbao Responsable” all its service charters, which publicly informs citizens and users in a visual way about the services it manages, the quality commitments in their provision and the rights and obligations they are entitled to. These are externally audited to check the monitoring of the commitments made, and the results are also made public.
Indicator referred to3.2. Information on implementation is regularly collected and reviewed. Local government acts to address gaps between planned and actual implementation.
Link / DocumentBilbao Service Charters: click here 
ContactKalitateko eta Ebaluazioko Kabinetea / Gabinete de Calidad y Evaluación / Quality and Evaluation Cabinet


TitleTransparency and openness of the administration’s meetings
Town CouncilCartagena Council
DescriptionIn relation to the plenary sessions, before the publication of the agenda of the plenary session, an announcement is published on the electronic notice board of the electronic office of the city council. Days before the plenary session, the agenda is published and on the day of the plenary session it is retransmitted via the YouTube channel where it is stored. The motions of the plenary sessions are also published with the votes they have received.

In addition, the Agenda and Minutes are also published in the Governing Boards.

Indicator referred to4.8 Local government meetings are open to the public and the media, and agendas and documents are made public.
Link / DocumentMinutes and videos of plenary sessions and government meetings: click here
ContactReyes García Clemente

Rosa Muñoz

TitlePublic data on political representation
Town CouncilVitoria-Gasteiz City Council
DescriptionThe Government and Municipal Activity section of the Transparency Portal offers access to: remuneration, functions, curriculum vitae, professional careers, etc. of elected officials, as well as their representation in other corporations and entities. The videos of the Sessions Portal provide access to the positions, amendments and proposals made in the government bodies.
Indicator referred to4.10 Political representatives demonstrate their openness to the media and their willingness to provide them with information.
Link / DocumentInformation on government and municipal activity: click here

Portal of sessions and video-acts: click here

ContactAmaia Mujika Rekalde

Head of the Citizen’s Advice and Transparency Service

TitlePlanned, participatory and evaluated regulation
Council Alcantarilla Council
DescriptionWhen adopting municipal regulations, citizen participation is guaranteed by subjecting the different regulations to prior public consultation. After their approval, they are published electronically and in person, for subsequent evaluation in order to incorporate them into the final text.  The regulations are evaluated and, if necessary, periodically modified.
Indicator referred to 5.3 Regulations are adopted in accordance with the procedures laid down by law.
Link / DocumentAnnual regulatory plan: click here 

Public Consultation on the Alcantarilla Council electronic administration regulations: click here 

ContactFrancisco Javier Galián López

Head of Modernisation, Communication and Transparency Service javigalian@AYTO-ALCANTARILLA.ES

TitlePublic interest-oriented service provision
Town CouncilVitoria-Gasteiz City Council
DescriptionThe City Council provides the services established by law. In addition, new services are established on the basis of citizen input (participation).

Feasibility and economic-financial studies are also carried out beforehand and the degree of satisfaction with the services is periodically evaluated by means of surveys, which are published on the website.

Indicator referred to6.2. The allocation of local government resources is guided by the local public interest.
Link / DocumentTransparency by topic (services): click here

Satisfaction surveys: click here

Cost and feasibility studies: click here


ContactAmaia Mujika Rekalde

Head of the Citizen’s Advice and Transparency Service

TitleA code of ethics for elected officials and public workers
Town CouncilAmurrio Town Council
DescriptionThe local government has adopted a Code of Conduct which sets out clear criteria for the actions of political representatives, managers and public employees, including the obligation to register interests, donations and invitations in public registers.
Indicator referred to6. 3. Codes of conduct specify the ethical standards expected of political representatives, managers and public employees, including the obligation to register interests, donations and entertainment in public registers.
Link / DocumentCode of conduct Amurrio Town Council: click here
ContactAna Izquierdo- Participation Responsible


TitleWell identified technical and professional competencies of municipal staff
Council Cartagena Council
DescriptionThe municipality has a book describing the technical and professional competences of each job.  In addition, it has a Job List (RPT) displayed on the municipal website, where the positions and professional levels of the staff are visible. This document is updated at least every 4 years.
Indicator referred to7.1. The local government identifies the skills required for effective delivery of its services, and carries out skills audit to identify any skills gaps as part of a strategic workforce plan.
Link / DocumentThe list of jobs (RPT): click here   /  click here 

UPDATED TO THE YEAR 2023: click here

Description of the competencies of each position: click here   /   click here 

UPDATED TO THE YEAR 2023: click here

Procedure for updating job descriptions: click here

ContactReyes García Clemente

Rosa Muñoz

TitleSkills training for technical and political personnel
CouncilUrnieta Town Council
DescriptionEmployees are motivated to constantly improve their performance. They have an approved training plan and a training catalogue. The training catalogue includes, training for employees and training for political representatives. In addition, external and internal training is carried out for personal development.
Indicator referred to7. 2. The local administration has a system in place to implement personal development programmes for its personnel.
ContactAitziber Zurutuza Arza


TitleParticipation in collaborative governance projects
Town CouncilCity Council of Andoain
DescriptionThe City Council participates in the Udal Etorkizuna Eraikiz project, which provides local councils with tools to set up similar collaborative governance processes on a local scale. The aim of this initiative is to set up a regional learning community in Gipuzkoa, in order to multiply the territory’s potential to anticipate and respond to the challenges of the future.
Indicator referred to8.3. Local government actively participates in a pilot project on good governance.
Link / DocumentUdal Etorkizuna Eraikiz Project: click here 
ContactLeire Rodríguez Lasarte, General Personnel Administration and Prevention Technician

Maider Lainez, Mayor


TitleAccessible and secure municipal website
Town CouncilCartagena Council
DescriptionCartagena City Council subcontracts security companies to meet cybersecurity requirements. It also uses tools to improve the accessibility of the municipal website, providing facilities for people with disabilities and the elderly. It has different web portals, continuously evaluated by the Web Accessibility Observatory of the Electronic Administration Portal of the Spanish Government.

Its visualisation is “Responsive”, which is the optimal visualisation on tablets and mobile devices.

On the other hand, it uses Open data technology, so that anyone can reuse the information published.

Indicator referred to8.4. Political representatives and civil servants are clearly committed to take action to take advantage of new solutions and best practices.
Link / DocumentCity council websites: click here

Web (Insuit): click here 

Portal of Social Services, Accessibility and Seniors services: click here 

Law on the re-use of information: click here

Information in CSV format: click here 

ContactReyes García Clemente

Rosa Muñoz


TitleDigitalisation in the relationship with citizens
Town CouncilCity Council of Irun
DescriptionIrun City Council launched its 24h SAC Electronic Headquarters in 2008, and currently the Electronic Registry receives nearly 50% of all formal requests, with more than 80 electronic procedures in operation. The launch of the IRUN Txartela in 2014, as an instrument to facilitate electronic relations with citizens, has enabled the deployment and integration of a set of services aimed at citizens in the digital sphere (access systems, public WiFi, promotion of organic recycling, equipment reservations, etc.). These quantified actions are published annually on the website in the corresponding reports.
Indicator referred to8.4. Political representatives and civil servants are clearly committed to taking measures to take advantage of new solutions and good practices.
Link / Document
ContactXabier Zabaleta



TitleHealth and Addictions Plan
Council Bilbao City Council
DescriptionThe municipality has a Municipal Health Plan, which includes the following policies:

  • Promoting healthy eating
  • Promoting self-care
  • Sexuality information

It also has a local addiction plan, with the aim of preventing or reducing addictive behaviour.

Indicator referred to9. 2. The needs of the new generation are usually taken into account in the planning process.
Link / DocumentI Bilbao Municipal Health Plan: click here

V Local Plan on Addictions Bilbao City Council: click here 

ContactOsasuna eta Kontsumo / Salud y Consumo / Health and consumption


TitleSustainability with a participative approach
Council Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council
DescriptionThe Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council has a Participation Plan, as well as different participation bodies, such as the “Elkargunes” and the “Auzogunes”. These deal with issues related to sustainability in its broadest sense. In addition, citizens’ proposals made through the various Citizen Service channels, which are often related to sustainable development, are debated in all the existing forums.
Indicator referred to9.7 There is a participatory approach to decision-making for sustainable development.
Link / DocumentElkargune Environment: click here 
ContactAmaia Mujika Rekalde

Head of the Citizen’s Advice and Transparency Service

TitlePreservation of urban heritage
Council Legazpi council
DescriptionLegazpi Council has a Special Plan for the Protection and Conservation of Catalogued Urban Heritage with the objectives of rescuing and highlighting the values that Legazpi has and which give it its own identity, as well as highlighting the peculiar characteristics of the town’s history and heritage with a view to future development.
Indicator referred to9.7. There is a structured approach to the preservation of the historical, cultural and social aspects of local government.
Link / DocumentSpecial Urban Heritage Plan: click here  
ContactKoldobike Olabide

Mayor of Legazpi

TitleParticipated Urban Agenda
Council Cartagena Council
DescriptionSpaces are provided for citizen proposals to be debated with citizens and policy makers. The municipality has an Urban Agenda, and in this context, meetings are held with neighbours and discussions are held. Social networks are also used as a means of dissemination and survey collection.
Indicator referred to9.7. There is a participatory approach to decision-making for sustainable development.
Link / DocumentNeighbourhood meetings calendar: click here

Web Urban Agenda: click here

ContactReyes García Clemente

Rosa Muñoz

TitleExternal audit of public accounts and reports
Council Basauri Council
DescriptionAudit or external control body reports are sent to the government team and, after being reported to the plenary session, are published on the website. This council has a history of the annual reports of the audit or external control bodies, which are easily accessible.
Indicator referred to10.6. External audits and annual audits are published.
Link / DocumentAnnual Accounts: click here


ContactAitor Valgañón

Innovation and open government

TitleSDG-aligned budgets
CouncilCity Council of Laudio
DescriptionThe City Council has aligned its 2023 municipal budget with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are a universal call to action in order to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of people around the world. The alignment process has been carried out on the basis of policies and spending programmes, identifying the SDGs that are directly related to each of the budgeted actions, grouping the Goals into three dimensions: social, economic and environmental.
Indicator referred to10.10 Approved budgets, fees, taxes and public prices and annual information on services provided are made public.
Link / DocumentSDG-aligned budget: click here 
ContactAnder Larrinaga

Urban Development Councillor

TitleBudget and tax ordinances available to the public
CouncilUrnieta Town Council
DescriptionThe municipal budget, tax by-laws and the traceability of amendments to these documents are published on the municipal website.
Indicator referred to10.10 The approved budgets, fees, taxes and public prices and annual information on the services provided are made public.
Link / DocumentBudget:

Tax ordinances:

ContactAitziber Zurutuza Arza


TitleNetworking to improve results
Town CouncilCity Council of Eibar
DescriptionThe Eibar Town Council exchanges good practices with other local administrations, and maintains stable relations with municipalities with similar characteristics in order to share experiences and knowledge, thus fostering cohesion between municipalities.
Indicator referred to10.14. The local administration participates in an inter-municipal organisation to improve its results and the services provided to citizens.
Link / DocumentFriendly cities: click here

Berdinsarea: click here

Red Innpulso (Science and Innovation Cities Network): click here

Debegesa (Debabarrena Economic Development Society): click here

Debemen (Debabarrena Rural Development Association): click here

Debabarrena (Debabarrena County Community): click here

Udalsarea 2030 (Basque Sustainable Municipalities Network): click here

Local Entities with Municipal Reception Plan: click here

Aldee (Basque Association of Archive, Library and Documentation Centre Professionals): click here

European Mobility Week: click here

5S Facilitators’ Club: click here

ContactPedro Irusta



TitlePromoting coexistence and cultural diversity
Council Alcantarilla Council
Description Cultural diversity is considered an asset, and permanent efforts are made to ensure that all those who form part of the local population identify with it and do not feel excluded. There is a local diagnosis on coexistence, which is the basis for the coexistence and diversity plan and the actions. Both the actions and the evaluation of the plan are made public on the website.
Indicator referred to11.2. Local government takes measures to protect all its citizens against all forms of discrimination and exclusion.
Link / DocumentAlcantarilla Integra + (Page 85, document Strategic Plan Alcantarilla Integra + 2024: click here 

“AlcantarillActiva” Program: click here 

“AlcantarillActiva” 2023: click here

Equality activities and prevention of violence against women: click here 

“Mujeres pioneras” expo: click here 


Tiktok challengue: click here 

Plan de Desarrollo Gitano (Roma Development Plan):

– Co-Responsibles Plan: Summer schools and work-life balance: click here

– Spring School: click here 

– Report of the Social Welfare Area: click here 



ContactFrancisco Javier Galián López

Head of Modernisation, Communication and Transparency Service javigalian@AYTO-ALCANTARILLA.ES

TitlePromoting interculturality
Town CouncilVitoria-Gasteiz City Council
DescriptionThe Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council, in its training plan, considers the importance of interculturality and incorporates it into its training corpus. Specifically, on the occasion of the presentation of the Coexistence observatory, an awareness-raising day was held for municipal staff under the title “Building coexistence from the culture of peace”, given by Fadhila Mammar, trainer with the International Consultancy on Interculturality, Mediation and Migrations. In addition, interculturalism is used as a criterion in the awarding of certain subsidies and for granting the use of public spaces or premises. On the other hand, cultural, sports and/or leisure activities are organised to actively promote interculturality.
Indicator referred to11.3. Local government actively promotes diversity and cohesion in the interest of all its citizens, by allocating resources and subsidising the activities of non-governmental actors, and by promoting dialogue and partnerships between various actors.
Link / DocumentCoexistence and Diversity Service Report 2020 Training Section:

ContactAmaia Mujika Rekalde

Head of the Citizen’s Advice and Transparency Service

TitleFair local taxation system
Town CouncilBilbao City Council
DescriptionThe provision of public services to citizens is not linked to their legal status, so that it is not their regular or irregular situation in terms of immigration legislation that is decisive, but rather their ties and residence in the municipality.

Furthermore, it has an equitable local tax system that values both the economic capacity of the taxpayer and the use of public services.

Indicator referred to11.6. Policy makers and municipal technicians advocate for equality and ensure, together with all strategic partners, that equality objectives are mainstreamed and transferred into strategies, urban planning and public service delivery.
Link / Document
ContactOgasuna / Hacienda / Tax officer


TitleDecision-makers know their responsibilities
Town CouncilCity Council of Eibar
DescriptionDecision-makers are fully aware of their collective and individual responsibilities for the resolutions they pass, in order to respect the norms and rules established by the council. Furthermore, they have at their disposal detailed and easily understandable information about the functions of the office they hold and its scope of resolution, as well as their responsibilities, and they are informed in all committees, as well as in other bodies in which they participate.
Indicator referred to12.1 All decision-makers are fully aware of their collective and individual responsibilities for the resolutions they approve, which are clearly set out in a legal framework and in the job description of the position they hold.
Link / DocumentMunicipal by-laws: click here  

Municipal regulations: click here  

Comisiones: click here  

Code of Ethics and Good Governance: click here 

ContactPedro Irusta


TitleBudget explained to citizens in a visual way
Council Alcantarilla Council
DescriptionThe most relevant published documents, such as the municipal budget, have summaries, leaflets and/or guides that make them easier for citizens to understand, and these are also made public on the municipal website.


In the case of the municipal budget, the municipal website provides an accessible language on how the budget works, and the microsite “With my taxes” is also created, to visually see the breakdown of the budget.

Indicator referred to12.4. Reports and other documents shall be accessible and widely disseminated.
Link / Document
ContactFrancisco Javier Galián López

Head of Modernisation, Communication and Transparency Service javigalian@AYTO-ALCANTARILLA.ES

SINCE 2017

Multiple ELoGE experiences have been tackled since 2017.